Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Determine The Prime Number

1.       For example call the number “ X”
2.       Decide the number is even or uneven
3.       If the number is even (except: 2), it means that it is not prime number
4.       The number only end if divided by 1 and the number itself or not?
5.       If not, the number is not prime number
6.       If yes, the number is prime number

 Program :

01 #include<iostream.h>

03 class prima

04 }

05 public:
06 prima ();
07 input ();
08 proses ();
09 private;
10 Int bil, batas, x, i;
11 };
13 prima::prima ()
14 { cout<< "Menentukan bilangan prima atau bukan "<<endl<<endl;}
15 prima::input()
16 { cout << "Masukkan bilangan : ";
17 cin >> x; 
18 cout<<endl;}
19 prima::proses(){
20 batas = 0;
21 for ( i=1; i<=bil; i++)
22 {
23 if (bil%i==0 && X !=0)
24 batas++; }
26 if (batas==2){
27 cout << "Termasuk bilangan prima /n"; }28 else
29 cout << "bukan bilangan /n"; }
30 }
32 int main ()
33 {
34 prima bilangan;
35 bilangan.input();
36 bilangan.proses ();
38 return 0;

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